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Jesus Victory
gospel ministries international

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teachingthem to obey everything I have commanded you”. MATTHEW 28:19

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House No C-584, Street No 20,
Sectee G-8/1 Islamabad.

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+1 (647) 567-8021

Take the first step, we
will take care for the rest

How You Can Help

There are lots of ways to partner with us. All you have to do is choose the way that works best for you. Whether you are rich in time, connections, or cash, everyone can make a difference.


Whether with a single donation or a multi-year commitment, choose the impact level that’s right for you.


Tell the Jesus victory Gospel Ministries story on your social media and use your platform to help protect vulnerable children.


Give time. Volunteer. Hold a fundraiser. Get involved. Everyone has 24 hours each day. Can you spare a few?

Jesus victory Gospel Ministries

Giving is a Powerful force that can change the world